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Say Goodbye to Yeast Infections

Line art graphic of five elimination organs: lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines, and skin, illustrating the body's natural detox pathways. Supports holistic approaches to alleviate menstrual cycle symptoms.

No more relentless itching and irritation that makes you squirm in discomfort.

No more burning sensation so intense that you want to sit on ice to find relief.

No more thick, white discharge that makes you feel self-conscious and frustrated.

No more redness and swelling that leaves you feeling inflamed and uncomfortable.

No more pain and soreness that disrupts your daily life and intimacy.

Sounds great, right?

Ready to meet 1:1 with you coach and see if you’re a good fit? Book your free mini-consultation now:

This is for you if...

  • You’ve been to the doctor for yeast infections but felt dismissed, without any solution beyond another pill.
  • You’ve tried antifungal treatments, only to find that you are now resistant to them.
  • You’ve treated vaginal yeast infections countless times, only for it to return with a raging vengeance.
  • You want to improve other areas of your health as a “side effect” of getting rid of your yeast infections.
  • You have other symptoms related to too much yeast: itchy skin/ears, athlete’s foot, brain fog…
  • You’ve lost hope that getting rid of yeast infections permanently is even possible for you.

This is not for you if...

You are looking for a quick, magic pill fix without addressing the root causes of the yeast infections. (If you see anyone advertising a “magic pill” fix…they’re lying to you.)

Line art graphic woman with text "S.O.S", to symbolize discomfort related to menstrual or vaginal yeast infection concerns

How It Works

1. FREE Mini-Consultation

We’ll start with a FREE mini-consultation, a video call about 10-15 minutes long, to see if we’re a good fit. We will go over any concerns and uncertainties you might have. Your coach will also go over what is involved from you.

2. Intake Session

Next up is a video call, about 90 minutes long (yes, you can show up in PJs!), where you can share all your yeast infection & health concerns. There is a full intake with the purpose of collecting information on your recent past and present on the naturopathic pillars of nutrition, movement, mindset, and environment.

3. Health Plan Review

After the call, your coach will write a personalized health plan based on your goals, lifestyle, and preferences. The health plan will be based on the pillars of Naturopathy: food, movement, and emotions. 

Later that same week, there’ll be a quick video call, around 10-15 minutes, to review the plan together and make sure you’re feeling good about it.

4. Follow-up Session

Then, about 1-2 months later, there’ll be a third, 1 hour video call for a follow-up chat to discuss your yeast infection symptoms & progress, and what might need changing for long-term success. 

We're nothing like a visit to the doctor

The overload of information out there can leave you feeling more confused than ever! And let’s not forget the frustration when nothing seems to work or when those issues keep coming back, making you wonder if you’ll ever feel better.

And when you try to get help, the medical system doesn’t even listen, leaving you feeling even more stressed and alone.

It’s enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and just over it all.

What coaching method do you use?

Your coach, Arya, was trained in Naturopathy in France. She uses the coaching method taught in European Naturopathy schools.

What does that mean? Well, we’re not anything like a doctor’s visit; we’re here to listen, learn, and respect that you know your body better than anyone.

Naturopathic coaching is holistic – it views the body as a whole instead of viewing each organ as separate from the rest; it works on all physical, psychological, emotional, and environmental levels.

This means we do not simply provide a band-aide to cover up symptoms; we are trained to ask the right questions to guide you to the cause of the symptom. If we only help the symptom and not the cause, the health problem will reappear in different ways until its cause is resolved.

What if I have questions between sessions?

You don’t have to wait for a scheduled call for questions! Our coaching package includes 2 email responses to address any questions or concerns. 

* The 2 email limit does not apply to scheduling-related questions.

** If your question is too complicated to answer via email or if you want help with a new symptom, your coach will recommend booking a separate video session to safely and fully address your concerns. 

What will my health plan look like?

This isn’t your average health plan. We spend hours making your health plan which will be your roadmap to wellness. We tailor it to your personality and lifestyle because, let’s face it, no two people are alike.

In practice, four key pillars are applied: nutrition, physical movement, mindset, and environment. A detailed client chart is put together based on these pillars, with the aim of removing the cause/s of the your health concern.

You get three holistic action steps that are personalized to help you resolve the cycle symptoms that you’re struggling with. The steps include exactly what to change and tips for successfully implementing the changes in a way that makes sense for YOU and your life. 


Ready for a life free from yeast infections?
Book your free mini-consultation now: