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Menstrual Health & Fertility

Downstairs Alchemy

Discover the secrets of lost female wellness wisdom

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menstrual health,fertility
menstrual health,fertility

What We Do

Coaching + Classes + Resources

From natural contraception and conception to personalized help with menstural cycle misery, let us help you level up your menstrual health & fertility.


In holistic health we look for the cause of the health problem instead of treating the symptoms. We believe that treatment of symptoms is only a bandaid fix and that the health problem will reappear in various ways until its cause is resolved.

“If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.” – Hippocrates

In practice, four key pillars are applied: nutrition, physical movement, mindset, and environment. A detailed client chart is assembled based on these pillars, with the aim of finding the cause/s of your health concern. 

Our mission

We’re on a mission to change what is considered “normal” in the female cycle. Our multifaceted goal is firstly to provide personalized, holistic solutions to monthly cycle symptoms. Secondly, through coaching, consulting and social platforms, we aim to educate females worldwide on genital & reproductive system wellness.

Our vision

A community, a country, a world of females empowered through education; females who are more confident in their anatomy, hygiene, wellness and prevention practices, making choices that amplify their health, energy, & self-worth. 

Arya is extremely knowledgeable and shares helpful information in a digestible way. During our initial consultation, she took the time to understand my mental, physical, and emotional state. I felt open to sharing with her to become more in-tune with my body as a woman–it was a very welcoming space. Following our conversation, she developed a personal plan based on everything we had discussed, including recommendations on how to balance my hormones through slight diet and lifestyle modifications as well as a few supplements. The changes seem simple to implement, but I’m positive they can make a big impact on my life and my health. I’m excited to try them out and learn how to truly understand my cycle over the next few months!

Kyle B. - Pennsylvania, USA

menstrual health,fertility

Commitment to Nature

Nature is capable of healing and reviving us. Here at Downstairs Alchemy, we’re big believers in the bond between humans and nature. We are one in the same.

We’re all about helping females live their lives in a holistic and purposeful way, so they can take care of themselves and the world around them. By empowering them to trust their instincts and find their inner strength, they connect not only with Mother Nature but with themselves too. And once they have that connection, they’ll feel nature’s healing vibes firsthand, leading to a more meaningful and happy life.

To put this concretely, in our client reports we recommend opting for organic, local foods and minimizing the use of plastics in their daily lives. When it comes to supplements, we advise reputable ones made from high-quality ingredients sourced directly from nature. Plus, we’re all about respecting our natural rhythms – enough sleep, soaking up some sunlight, getting daily movement, and tuning into the phases of the moon. After all, this is a naturopathic company that provides natural monthly cycle solutions!

Commitment to You

Inclusion is incredibly important to us here at Downstairs Alchemy. We believe that every human assigned female at birth – irrespective of race, color, identity, or religion- deserves equal access to coaching, consultations, education, and community.

We are dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support to help every individual achieve their monthly cycle goals and overcome any obstacles they may face along the way.

We value diversity and are committed to creating an environment that celebrates and respects the unique experiences and perspectives of each person. Whether you identify as a cisgender woman or are part of the LGBTQ+ community, no matter your race, color, or religion, we are dedicated to ensuring that every individual feels heard, seen, and valued.

My 1:1 coaching session with my naturopathic coach was incredibly insightful. One of my favorites was the breathing technique that is very helpful in addressing the cause of my symptoms. I’m eager to try the recommended supplements and have already noticed positive changes from spending more time outdoors during lunch. The session was thorough and well-organized, making it easy to follow. I’m now focusing on incorporating the nutrition recommendations for better gut health, and I’m coordinating with my doctor as suggested to explore my health issues further. If you’re hesitating, just book your session – you won’t regret it!

Lisa F. - New York, USA

menstrual health,fertility
menstrual health,fertility

My Story

Downstairs Alchemy is a result of my frustration with our current medical care system and our ever-growing number of females dealing with unnecessary pain and symptoms each month. I- like so many others- was dismissed, not listened to, or fed pills from countless doctors when I was suffering each month and went to them for help.

I wanted to transform this frustration into positive change. My path led me to complete a certification of Naturopathy in Toulouse, France. At this point in my life everything clicked – I knew this was the right path for me. My degree in Psychology, years of brain research, and my training in Naturopathy were combined with my awe of mother nature and my desire to teach others about their genital & reproductive system health. These together gave rise to Downstairs Alchemy.

When I’m not working you’ll find me dancing (love me some salsa and bachata), curling up with a good book, admiring the sheer power and beauty of nature, playing piano, and experimenting with herbalism.”
– Arya